Success in any study depends largely upon
the interest taken in that particular subject by the student.
This being the case, we earnestly hope that you will realize at
the very outset that shorthand can be made an intensely fascinating
study. Cultivate a love for it. Think of it as the highest form
of writing, which is itself the greatest invention of humanity. Be proud
that you can record the language in graceful lines and curves. Aim
constantly to acquire artistic skill in executing those lines and
curves. You can, if you will, make the study of
shorthand a perfect joy instead of a task. Skill in the use of shorthand
is a possession that has been coveted by the wisest of men and women,
for it is not only a practical instrument in commercial work, but
a much-prized and valuable accomplishment and a means of mental
Be Thorough. Skill in anything
is attained by repetition with interest; therefore do not shirk
the careful, painstaking practice on the elementary forms given
in the Manual. Write each outline many times, and aim always at
the attainment of fluency and exactness in execution.
Your future success depends to a very large
extent on the way you do your work now. In order that your progress
may be sure and rapid, master each lesson before you proceed with
the next.
In your practice, write as rapidly as you can
while keeping the hand under complete control; aim at accuracy rather
than speed, but do not draw the characters. You must understand
at the outset that shorthand must be written; but you must
also impress upon your mind that whatever you write you must read,
hence the necessity for good penmanship. As skill in executing the
movements is obtained, the speed may be increased until the forms
can be written accurately at a high rate of speed. Some attention
should be given to acquiring a capacity for writing individual
outlines rapidly without hesitation, and with a free movement of
the hand.
Aim to acquire a smooth style of writing; execute
each character with an easy, continuous motion of the pen, and pass
directly to the next without unnecessary movements. A halting, jerky
movement is fatal to speed, and may be almost always traced to indecision,
caused by unfamiliaritY with the forms. At first carefully analyze
the words. To do this it is, of course, necessary for you to think
of them in detail; but after you have determined the correct outline,
practice it and think of it as a whole.
Facility in the practical use of shorthand depends
largely upon the stock of outlines you have at your ready command.
Note the use of that word “ready.” This means that you
should master all the forms given in the Manual by writing them
many times. This will not only impress the forms on your mind, so
that you will not have any hesitation in recalling them, but will
give you facility in writing them. In shorthand it is not sufficient
to know how to write a word you must not only know the form but
be able to write it quickly. Hence the necessity for much repetition
practice in writing the forms.
Most of this repetition practice should be on
the forms as they occur naturally in connected matter. The repetition
of isolated forms for more than five times consecutively is not
in accord with modern pedagogy. Scientifically graded connected
matter has supplanted the isolated form.
If, in addition to the words given in the Manual,
you can add to your stock of outlines other words written under
the same principles, you will have gained a great deal will have
laid a broader foundation for advanced work which will lessen the
time required to attain efficiency.
Devote Much Time to Reading Well-Written
Shorthand. By reading a great deal of well-written shorthand
you will become not only a fluent reader, but you will enlarge your
writing vocabulary. Unconsciously you will imitate in your own work
the easy execution of the forms shown in the printed plates. All
expert writers have devoted much time to reading shorthand.
In addition to the work outlined in this Manual,
we strongly recommend the use of the supplementary dictation material
given in “Gregg Speed Studies,” and the exercises presented
each month in the Learner’s Department of The Gregg Writer.
These exercises may be used with great advantage from the very first
lesson. Each number of The Gregg Writer contains many helpful
suggestions and a number of shorthand pages that afford valuable
exercises in reading and writing for students at all stages of advancement.
- The Alphabet