The Letter X. When x occurs at the end of
or within words, it is expressed by s slightly modified
in slant, thus:

The suffix shun (sion, tion) is
expressed by sh:

The Past Tense. The past tense is expressed by t
or d:
1. After most abbreviated
words a disjoined t placed close to the preceding character
is used to express the past tense, thus:

2. In all other cases join
t or d if a distinctive and facile joining is
possible; otherwise, disjoin t (as in glared,
tapered) to express the past tense, thus:

60. Brief Forms
for Common Words

*The s is added to tell by changing
the circle to a loop, thus: 
Brief Forms as
61. A brief
form is frequently used as a prefix or as part of another word,
as illustrated in the following:

62. Frequent Phrases

*Before a downstroke, to
is expressed by t.
63. Reading and
Dictation Practice

64. Writing Practice
1. I shall not leave here today
for my trip to France, as I am too busy, but I shall finish everything
2. It may be that such a change in the history
classes will help to settle the matter for you.
3. He will cash the pay check if you will present
it at his desk.
4. Since she is changing her plans to stay here
some time before going to the city, I think it will be well to leave
the matter as it is for the present.
5. Because the business in that part of the
country is not good, he will remain there another month to go thoroughly
into the planning of a sales campaign.
6. It is plain that if any action is to be taken
it must take place before the session ends today.
7. He fixed the time at six and said that the
men were asleep.
8. I shall not fail to mention that the basis
of his claim is very flimsy and that I feel that his figures should
be thoroughly studied and checked before any decision is reached.
Dear Sir: The sale of the
goods you shipped me in January is not going at all well. For one
thing, the season has been very late, causing business to be slack.
Can you think of anything that will help our sales? It
may be that business in other parts of the country is much the same
as it is here and you have made some sales plans that will be of
help to me. I should like to go over this matter with one
of your men the first time one of them is in the city. Yours
truly, Transcription Key to
this Unit
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