Other Vowel Combinations
In a few words, vowels follow one another consecutively without
forming diphthongs, as in poem, radio, and
showy. In such words the signs for the sounds are written in
the order in which the sounds occur:

*When necessary, the long sound
of o in oe is marked to distinguish it from the
diphthong oi.
Any vowel following the diphthong i is expressed by a small
circle within the large circle:

Short i followed by a, as in mania,
is expressed by a large circle with a dot placed within it; e
followed by the large circle vowel, as in create, is expressed by
a large circle with a dash in it. These distinctions are seldom
necessary, however:

Omission of Minor Vowels
When two vowels not forming a pure diphthong come together,
the minor vowel may be omitted. For convenience in writing
many common words, the circle may be omitted in the diphthong u,
as in new, due, and music:

*The long i in idea
and ideal is expressed by the large circle.
122. Brief
Forms for Common Words

*After numerals, dollars
is expressed by d.
123. Reading
and Dictation Practice

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