14. Circles
Between Strokes. Where an angle, or a point, is formed
at the junction of consonants, the circle goes outside the angle. Observe how the circle joins the strokes in r-a-n and k-a-n:

The straight line begins in the circle, as indicated by the arrows. The dotted line shows the position of the circle in relation to the other strokes. If the page is turned upside down, the word ran will become the word knack.
Observe how the circle joins in n-a-l and m-e-l:

To accommodate the circle in these joinings, the n and the m are written slightly longer than they would normally be written. The arrow shows how the n is extended in the word nail. The dotted line indicates the position of the circle in relation to the other strokes.

Where straight strokes and curves join without an angle, or where
two similar-motion curves join without an angle, the circle is placed
inside the curve. Observe how the circle joins the strokes in r-a-t and t-a-k:

In joinings of this type, the blending of the curve with the straight line should be so smooth that the circle appears to have been inserted afterward. The dotted line shows the position of the circle in relation to the other strokes.

Practice with the following sentences:

Key: Take the lad to the deck. He is late. The red tag and ticket were at the gate.
Some vowels are so obscure or neutral that they are omitted when
they do not contribute to speed or legibility. For example,
the e in the words taken and maker is
absolutely useless, and is omitted. Any vowel which does not
contribute to the legibility of an outline may be omitted. Any
vowel which does not contribute to the legibility of and outline
may be omitted if its omission gives a more facile outline.
Between straight strokes in the same direction the circle is written
with right motion. See the following outlines of m-a-m and d-e-d:

The joining should be so smooth and snug that, if the circle were eliminated, the two straight lines would blend into one stroke. Avoid forming points on the circles in the places indicated by the arrows.

Between opposite curves the circle is turned back on the first curve.

Observe the outlines of g-a-l and l-a-g:

If the circle were erased, the curves should blend into a continuous stroke. Avoid forming points on the circles in the places indicated by the arrows.
Consonant Combinations
Kr and Gl Combinations. K and r,
and g and l, are equal curves and are made a little
flatter than usual when joined, as the following outlines k-r, g-l, and r-k demonstrate:

In these combinations, the curves are rather shallow. They have a wavelike appearance and are very fluent. Kr (or rk) is slightly shorter than the combined length of r and k when standing alone. The same is true of gl (or lg).

Gr and Kl Combinations. Where curves of unequal length
join without an angle, as in the following, note how a distinction
in length is positively shown in the following outlines, g-r and k-l.

Rk and Lk Combinations. Since r and k
are of equal length, the curves are somewhat flatter, as with kr
and gl. Lk is very infrequent.

The Signs for Th. The sign for t is curved
to express th, thus:

As seen in earlier examples, these letters are very small—only about a third of the space between the writing lines. The curve on the left starts outward at the beginning. Consequently, the curve is deep at the beginning and flattens out toward the end. The curve on the right starts on the right then swings upward. There should be no hook at the beginning or the end. The dotted line shows the slant of the strokes. Note the similarity between these curves and their parent stroke, the t.

Brief Forms for Common Words
A comparatively small number of frequently recurring words make
up a large part of the English language. As an illustration,
ten words—the, of and, to, a, in, that, it, is, I—form
one-fourth of the entire written and spoken language.
The forms for these frequent words
are based on a very common method of abbreviation in longhand writing. For example, amt. is written for amount;
Rev. for Reverend; gym for gymnasium;
ans. for answer; math. for mathematics,
and so on. By taking advantage of this method of abbreviation, brief
and easily remembered shorthand forms are obtained for the most
common words in the language. Some of these brief forms consists
of letters you have not yet learned, so do not attempt to learn
the new letters until the chapters in which they occur.

*In some phrases they
is written the same as the, as in they will.
Note: Refer to the alphabet page for
explanation of characters.
24. Business Abbreviations

25. Reading and
Dictation Practice

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