Unit 13
The Diphthongs
A pure diphthong is the union in one syllable of two simple vowel
sounds uttered in rapid succession. The diphthongs are therefore
expressed by joining the circles and hooks representing the vowel
sounds of which the diphthongs are composed:

diphthong u is a combination of e and oo;
ow, of ä and oo; oi, of
aw and e. The sign for the diphthong i
is a large circle with an indentation—resembling a combination
of ä and e, which, if uttered in rapid succession,
yield a sound almost equivalent to i. This sign is
generally called "the broken circle."
The signs are written in their
sounded order. The sign for the diphthong i is treated
as a circle, and conforms to the rules for joining circles. Note
how the diphthong i is written in the words size, nice, price, mine,
which appear in the following word drill.
113. Word Drill

*See mile in the brief forms below.
For convenience, long i is expressed by the large
circle in the following words:

115. Brief
Forms for Common Words

When word forms end with the diphthong i, the double
circle is used to express the diphthong and the termination ly:

117. Reading
and Dictation Practice

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