a Reporter's Notebook
Notes by a former reporter to the New York Surrogate

Samuel S. Sklarew
Q. I am interested in your Supreme Court appearances.
Do you remember your last Supreme Court appearance before
A. That's right; in Brooklyn
Q. How long ago?
A. Well, I don't know the exact date.
Q. I don't want the exact date. Was it a matter
of days or a matter of a week?
A. It was a week or ten days—before Christmas.
Q. Did you testify for a defendant?
A. I didn't testify.
Q. Were you called as a witness for a defendant?
A. That's right. I told him everything they claimed
was there.
MR. ROTHBARD: May that be stricken, you Honor?
THE COURT: Yes; strike it out. Just answer the
questions now.
Q. When did you testify in court before that appearance
in Brooklyn as an X-ray expert?
A. I don't know. A couple of weeks before that, maybe.
Q. In what county?
A. I testified in the Federal Court in December. I
testified in New York Supreme Court in December twice. I testified
in Brooklyn. I went to court in Brooklyn twice and testified
Q. In December how many times did you testify on each
time, on each occasion, as an X-ray expert?
A. Well, I went to court, I say about—
January, 1945