an NSRA Speed Winner
Analysis by Andrew Owen
This is the first page
of Martin J. Dupraw's champion notes on material being dictated
at 280 WPM in the annual speed contest held by the National Shorthand
Reporters' Association in 1924. The association is now known
as the National Court Reporters' Association, and still holds their
annual speed contest, at which there are tremendous competitors,
each using machine shorthand. The rules and speeds in the
contest remain fairly unchanged since the days of Dupraw and Swem.
The NCRA still allows pen stenographers to try their hand at the
contest. This page is written with a quite advanced style
of Gregg Shorthand, with a graceful and full style of writing.

Here, I have analyzed carefully
the facsimile. Each outline is dissected according to its
meaning. The transcriptions are a mixture of ASCII Gregg and
the easier-to-read letter equivalents. When it is not evident,
"{" is a loop a, "}" is loop e,
"ð" is the over th, "F" is the
t-m blend, "S" is the left s, "Y"
is the d-t blend, "D" is the t-n blend,
"W" is the m-n blend, "č" is ch,
and "þ" is the under th.
čAls tomaS |
Q. What is your name? A.
Charles Thomas. |
dle er nðsete no alen
rečm va |
Q. Do you live here in this city?
A. No, I live in Richmond, Virginia. |
otprfes or bS am nð kmš
bS |
Q. What is your profession or business? A.
I am in the commission business. |
kmš bS
} |
Q. Commission business? A. Yes. |
luteme u aj am paS 60 |
Q. Will you tell me your age? A.
I am past sixty. |
aulbn nga nu
preS ocup ð laS firS |
Q. How long have you been engaged in your present occupation?
A. The last five years. |
h pra ðaF otoS u bS akpt h stor
nðsete fnumerS |
Q. And prior to that time what was your business? A.
I kept a store in this city for a number of years. |
oki o h stor groSS mets |
Q. What kind of a store? A.
Groceries and meats. |
ars u stor lok 227 es
5s |
Q. Where was your store located? A.
227 East Fifth Street. |
}S |
Q. Are you married? A.
Yes, sir. |
vune gron čel tu boeS |
Q. Have you any grown children? A.
Two boys. |
vune prs|n one oð|fs
nðska nun to |
Q. Have you any personal knowledge of any of the facts in
this case? A. None at all. |
or vune prs aka eð
ne oð aDes kekt
eððska noS |
Q. Or have you any personal acquaintance with any of the attorneys
connected with this case? A.
No, sir. |
il uE nbS Yukm|k
eð vars WbS oð
po|d ano h gWe oðm
Q. While you were in business did you come in contact with
various members of the police department? A.
I know a good many of them. |
d ð|f ða ur aka
eððm nnua
nf u ks oðska t dn |
Q. Would the fact that you are acquainted with them in any
way influence your consideration of this case?
A. It would not. |
ukd ge eč oðdS h
}S |
Q. You could give each of the defendants a fair and impartial
trial? A. Yes, sir. |
h aket ne or o
oðm efþs h rsd
o gt numi
abe akd |
Q. And acquit any or all of them if there was a reasonable
doubt of guilt in your mind?
A. I believe I could. |
I believe this specimen
to be an outstanding example of several great abbreviations and
methods for fast writing. Of course, several of the proportions
are a bit off on the part of Dupraw, but it is exceptional considering
the fact that he was writing at a rate of 280 words per minute.
If written with ample time and with the same shortcuts, it could
be written as it is the following image.
