The Sign for S
The signs for s, written downward, are taken from
a small elliptical figure, thus: 
Memory aid: 
The right-motion s is
called "right s" 
The left-motion s is called "left
In practical writing the sound of z is expressed
by the sign for s, since no confusion arises from using
the same character from both sounds in connected writing. We
already are accustomed to writing and reading s for z
in English, as in rays, praise.
It is seldom necessary to make a distinction
between s and z, but when it is, a short dash
is struck at a right angle to the sign for s to show that
it has the sound of z, thus:

The base of the first consonant of a word rests on the line or writing,
but when s precedes another consonant, the base of the
consonant following the s is placed on the line.
Initial and Final S. 1. Before and after p,
b, r, and l, and after t, d,
n, m, and o, the left s is used:

2. In all other cases the right
s is used:

A circle placed outside the angle
in any of these joinings does not change the motion.
50. Frequent Word

S Between Strokes. When a circle vowel immediately
precedes s between strokes, treat the s as belonging
to the preceding consonant; if the circle follows the s,
the s should be treated as if it belonged to the following
consonant; when s occurs between strokes and is not joined
to a circle, writ the s with the syllable to which it belongs:

The Ses Sign. The ses sound as heard in
faces, basis, races, cases,
census, etc., is expressed by joining the two s
signs as a blend:

Note: In rapid writing, the first
s in ses may become obscure, and yet the second
s, being written contrary to the rule for writing a single
s, clearly indicates the plural form. Compare the

53. Brief Forms
for Common Words

*The sign for the prefix under
written above a following character is used for the word under.
The suffix thing is expressed by a dot in the following

Plurals of Brief Forms. The plurals of brief forms
ending in s are formed by adding another s of
the same motion, thus:

There are four exceptions
to this rule. The brief forms force, course,
invoice, and office—which you will learn
later—use the ses blend to express their plurals.
In other brief forms the plurals
are formed by adding s to the singular forms, thus:

56. Reading
and Dictation Practice

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