from Gregg Speed Building for Colleges,
Pass from one outline to the next without making any
useless movements of the hand or pen. Do not raise the pen
higher than is necessary to clear the paper. A continuous,
rhythmic writing movement rather than a quick, jerky one is a most
important "speed secret." The best time to practice
the acquirement of this easy-flowing movement is while taking dictation
on familiar matter, as your attention can be concentrated completely
on the movement of the hand in passing from one outline to the next.
The point of the pen at all times should be
close to the paper, just enough above it to permit a clear-cut ending
of one outline and the beginning of the next. There will thus
be no excess momentum to to throw the hand out of control, and a
minimum of time will be lost between outlines.
Most important, however, is the control acquired—for
the essence of speed in shorthand is hand control, both in the actual
writing of the outlines and in the "traveling" time between
Control of the hand is obtained only through
control of the mind. Any lack of mental control will be reflected
in a corresponding lack of hand control.
Be constantly on guard to see
that none of your writing effort is wasted. A great deal of
time and effort can be wasted in writing the little strokes longer
than is necessary. The strokes for the s, the th,
and the t are very small—mere ticks that usually
become merged with the writing motions of the preceding or the following
The writing of the ordinary check
mark gives an at illustration of the writing of two strokes as if
they were but one. When you write a check mark, you do not
consciously write for a downstrokes and then an upstroke. You
really give no thought to the two strokes composing the check mark.
You simply make the mark.
The fundamental of speed is this:
Shorthand is written, not drawn. From the very first,
acquire the habit of writing each outline as rapidly as you can
with accuracy. Never draw a character in your effort to
write it perfectly. If you cannot write it accurately,
you should spend more time on penmanship drills and drill your hand
into the correct writing habit.
Write each outline so that, as
it stands alone on that sheet, you can tell by a glance at which
end of the outline you began and at which you left off. At
the beginning of the outline, where your pen first meets the paper,
the line should be thickest; the end should taper gently off. The
tapering off is frequently called the "get-away" stroke.
All free writing at a fair speed will show it; the faster the speed,
the more pronounced will be the get-away stroke.
As an illustration, take any outline
that you know very well, write it several times in rapid succession,
and note the tapering off of the final stroke. This stroke
should show in all your writing. A valuable rule to follow
in all your practice is to write no slower that the get-away stroke;
that is, do not write below the speed necessary to show this gradual
tapering off of the outline.
It is not necessary to scribble
or scrawl to secure the get-away stroke. Smooth, rhythmic
writing will produce it better than anything else. Do not
dash off each outline with a quick flourish in order to show the
stroke, or you will lose the value of it entirely. Always
write smoothly and rhythmically. —Charles Lee Swem.
Before commencing any serious
practice for speed, it is vital that there be no doubt that you
are absolutely acquainted with the basic principles of the system.
Speed can never be founded upon a faulty knowledge of system. This
statement cannot be repeated too often or emphasized too strongly.
You can never hope to become a fast shorthand writer without
a complete mastery of the first principles of your system. At
the risk of seeming merely didactic, we assert that the actual foundation
of speed in shorthand is in the first lessons of your textbook.
Your mastery of these lessons will affect more than anything
else the degree of expertness that you will acquire. This
statement of a practical fact is borne out by the experience of
any writer who ever succeeded in reaching reporting speed.
The learning of shorthand is in
many respects similar to the learning of a language. Whose
who speak good English or write it without conscious thought do
so because they have had the fundamental principles of English grammar
so thoroughly drilled into them from childhood that they apply the
principles by force of habit, more mechanically than otherwise.
Indeed, shorthand might be called a language. Shorthand must
become a habit of mind as much as the English tongue is a habit
if you would use it with the same speed and fluency. —Charles
Lee Swem.