13 Transcription Key
117. Reading and Dictation Practice
Dear sir: Kindly wire
me immediately how many kinds of
files you have on hand
and also the number of each kind,
in units of one thousand
that you expect to use during the
year. I am planning
to buy whatever we need right away
before the market goes
any higher. We must not be caught
without enough filing
supplies to carry us through the year.
You will recall that a
year ago we could not fill
several orders because
of an error in our report. Yours truly,
[88 words]
Dear sir: several received
your complaint regarding the employing of James
Smith as buyer, but you
give none of the details
upon which you base your
claims. Why do you not put your side of the
question in writing?
We appointed Mr. Smith
the other night
and gave him power to
appoint as many helpers
as he needs to handle
the duties of his office. We shall
await your answer before
taking any further steps. Yours truly,
[78 words]
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