19 Transcription Key
160. Reading and Dictation Practice
Dear Madam: We want to
complement you and the other editors on
steadily maintaining the
high quality of your publication. We have seldom
found a monthly publication
containing a richer content.
From the
itemized list given in
your letter written to us under date
of December 21, we are
glad to note that it is your intention to
maintain as high a standing
as is attainable by any publication on the
continent. Your action
will retain your many readers
and add thousands of others,
especially since you do not plan to discontinue
the continued stories
as was suggested in a former letter.
We do not know how a
better medium for reaching the general public
could be obtained then
by using your publication. We feel sure that
you will have no difficulty
in keeping your columns
filled with unusually
good business announcements that will
pay you big returns.
Please see that our name
maintained indefinitely
on your mailing list. Yours sincerely,
[163 words]
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