21 Transcription Key
172. Reading and Dictation Practice
Gentlemen: A few days
ago we were surprised to receive a letter
from Mr. R. G. Burns of
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, one
of our more valued clients.
He makes a complaint concerning
a carload shipment of
farming machinery which your
firm had made to him and
which, according to him, was
badly damaged because
of lack of care in packing.
He further
states that though he
reported the matter to you without delay, he had
heard nothing from you
other than a formal acknowledgement of his
complaint. Knowing
that you were our agents, he asks that
we take the matter up
with our and help him get
a credit memo to cover
the repairs which he will have to make
if he retains the machinery.
Please attend to this
claim at once, informing
Mr. Burns by wire
that you have started
the necessary tracing and will settle the
matter to his entire satisfaction.
Yours truly,
[155 words]
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