22 Transcription Key
177. Reading and Dictation Practice
Dear sir: We hope you
can be induced to take over for the autumn
some of our finest costumes
which are now being sold at
greatly reduced prices.
We have one of the largest and finest
assortments we have ever
displayed and all of these costumes
are representative of
the latest fashions. They are the products of
one of the oldest houses
and were designed by the most famous
style artists. Some
are exact copies of imported
garments; others are adapted
to make them conform
to the dress ideals of
this country.
We expect to put on a
display beginning next
Tuesday. Some of the best-known
mannequins in the Estate
will appear. We hope you can attend.
We suggest an early preview,
as there is certain to be a great sale
for these products and
the supply will soon be exhausted.
Entry is by card. We
are glad to send you a
number of these for the
use of your buyers and others. Very truly yours,
[168 words]
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