27 Transcription Key
207. Reading and Dictation Practice
Dear sir: Your letter
on the subject of reorganizing the Merritt Valve
Corporation on a more
stable basis has been carefully analyzed
by Mr. Hoskins. It
will be of value to you to know
that a sound but elaborate
plan has been outlined
that will undoubtedly
establish the business on a solid financial
footing. We have
presented the essential details to the prominent
bankers in this territory
and we are also negotiating with Philadelphia
and New York banking houses.
The preposition is more than ordinarily
appealing to them; their
attitude is entirely fable and withering
there will be no difficulty
whatever in floating a bond issue
that will render further
temporary loans unnecessary. It is
suggested that the bonded
indebtedness be increased from $5,000,000
to $10,000,000 and that
the common stock be increased
by 10,000 shares by calling
in the present issue.
The enclosed
data will give you full
particulars. Very truly yours,
[159 words]
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