28 Transcription Key
213. Reading and Dictation Practice
With extreme care he took
the instrument apart
and found that the electrical
unit had deteriorated
causing the almost complete
destruction of the armature.
The contract from the
construction of the interior and exterior lighting
system of the Adams Distributor
company is to be let soon.
This will be an extraordinarily
valuable contract. Are you
bidding on it?
You will be interested
to learn that the
centralization of the
electrical power plants is going
on rapidly and the interests
behind this movement
are making a most intelligent
survey of the intellect problems
connected with it. Mr.
Ferris of the Detroit
Construction Company took
issue with the electrical engineer of the
Western Construction Company,
which company hoped to obtain control
of the new device.
Ramsey and Allen have
put in a counterclaim
against the Bell
Electric Company, extraordinary
as this may seem.
Without determined
restraint the action of
those engaged in this reconstruction will be
a great detriment to the
intelligent and uninterrupted distribution
of the electrical machinery
for the International Railroad.
[171 words]
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