30 Transcription Key
225. Reading and Dictation Practice
Gentlemen: We have just
received a letter from the Central
Electric Company, asking
us to submit bids on the 100,000
indirect lighting lamps
to be constructed according to the
design and the detailed
statement attached to the drawings that
will form a part of the
Owing to the extraordinary
conditions in our plant
at present and the absence of our principal
construction engineer
we cannot submit an estimate, and are therefore
calling on your for help.
If you would prefer to submit an
estimate direct we have
no objection. Our relations with the
Central Electric Company
have been extremely pleasant, and as we do not
to interrupt these relations
we would just as soon handle everything except
construction work.
By the way, I suppose
you will be interested in hearing that the
New York Central is electrifying
its lines through
Albany, the construction
work to begin soon. The company is now
ready to entertain bids,
I understand. We shall keep you informed. Very
truly yours,
[171 words]
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