36 Transcription Key
247. Reading and Dictation Practice
Dear Sir: We are
about ready to make shipment of your order №
7270 for eighteen sheets
of grade № 1008
semihard red sheet rubber.
May we, however, point
out to you that the G.
S. & A. Company has recently
abandoned the use of the
semihard red rubber, and is
now specifying grade №
2008 semihard black
rubber on all jobs formerly
requiring grade №
As the red rubber requires
the importation of
special raw materials
that are difficult to obtain, and as your yearly
requirements will undoubtedly
be small, we should be glad to know
whether you can hereafter
specify the semihard black
rubber instead of the
red rubber on your orders.
If you will make the
change suggested, it will greatly
facilitate our work, as
well as insure prompter shipment
of your rubber orders
in the future. Yours very truly,
[154 words]
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